Disaster Preparation
Treehill Park Condos
In addition to our usual combination Neighborhood Watch meeting & potluck, on February 20 we watched the first half of a video presentation from Alice Busch. Alice is Multnomah County's Emergency Manager, Training And Exercise Coordinator.

Ten residents attended the meeting, including three from our neighbors at Cottonwood, and a Deputy from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office. 

Before the video began, the Deputy filled us in on a few things that have been going on in the area recently.

The subject of the video is disaster preparation, with special emphasis on the Cascadia Subduction Zone: What it is, what is expected to happen when Cascadia finally slips, and what you can do to prepare for the safety of yourself and your family.

The video runs approximately one hour and fifty minutes.Click the photo above to go to YouTube. Once there, you can either watch the video online or download it to your own computer.

We will watch the remainder of the video at Treehill Park's rec center at 12 Noon on Saturday, March 19. We would be delighted to have you join us.