Condo Rules

Click here to see a copy of our Condo Rules, which will open in another window as a .PDF document. 

Treehill Park Condos

Click here to access a .PDF copy of Resolution R1802, as last revised in October of 2018. This Resolution is also known as the Fine Schedule.

Click here to download a . PDF copy of our Deck Policy.

This is the latest version of the Policy and is the result of  modifications by the Board made during the July 2021 meeting on Zoom.

It contains significant changes from previous versions!
NEW!  Garden Rules And Guidelines.
A number of Treehill residents have expressed interest in gardening to grow various edible items for their personal use.

In order to allow as much freedom as possible while maintaining a friendly, peaceful atmosphere for all participants, the Board has created these rules and guidelines
NEW!  Architectural Review
Most physical changes to a unit, such as (but not limited to) installing new windows, doors, an air conditioner, and others, require permission from the Board before the work is begun.

Click here to download a .PDF copy of how to go about filing a request for an architectural review, as well as more information about the types of projects that require them.